Monday, December 21, 2009

So much to be proud of...

In the first half of our year, we have managed to put out 3 issues of the paper, each one gaining in content, style and design and correctness.  We have so much to be proud of, but still  have much to go...

We need to continue to work on deadlines, using layout time wisely (starting with mock ups - section leaders will be mocking up their sections on paper... you must be aware of what is coming in and what art/pictures are going with your spreads), and coverage... most notably, we are going to start discussing advertising in January when we return.

I need the editorial board to set up an appointment with Schneider about DOE regulations and/or contracts for accepting advertising.

We will be looking to put out a 4th issue in January before the Regents break, which means all pieces set to go into the issue must be finished BY and NO LATER than Tuesday 1/5/2010.

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