Friday, February 26, 2010

Updates - URGENT

Due to issues getting the 5th issue ready, we are combining the 5th and 6th issues so that the stuff completed is not too outdated by April.

So the new 6th issue will be ready hopefully before break. The 5th issue hopefully no later than next week.

Moving forward, I will be working with section leaders, empowering them to help me grade their staff...

What this means:

- know who your section leader is and whenever you send me a draft of something, send it also to your section leader

- - - section leaders are as follows:

News -

feature -

entertainment - Georgia papazafiropoulos ,

sports -

opinion -

layout -

copy editor -

Once you've finished your article and have received a rubric, please send your finished piece to Raymond as well as me. He will edit your work and send it on to Melissa.

Starting Monday, we will be working on new articles...

1st drafts will be due on Wed. 3/3/10 - to be sent to section leaders and me - section leaders will give you initial feedback

2nd drafts will be due on Friday. 3/5/10 - to be sent to section leaders and me - ms. sackstein to give feedback

final drafts will be due on Wed. 3/10/10

We will then start a second round of articles... in an effort to keep things interesting, I will let you write for whatever section you want...

You will need to have a topic choice by Thursday 3/11/10 and contact the section leader for which the article will belong.

1st drafts of articles due Monday 3/15/10 - to be sent to section leaders and me - section leaders will give initial feedback

2nd drafts will be due Wed. 3/17/10 - to section leaders and me - ms sackstein to give feedback

final drafts are due Monday - 3/22/10

At this point, everyone will be responsible for making sure there are pictures and/or sidebars for their pieces... I expect to see a lot of student voice and good coverage. Nothing should be taken from the internet...

If you don't make your deadlines, you won't be published in the paper.


Anonymous said...

For quotes and what not are we suppose to send out our questions with tanya or just regularly by our selves?

Anonymous said...

Georgina ^^^^^