Thursday, November 5, 2009

Layout Editor

Hello WJPS newspaper classes. My name is Melissa Iachetta and I am the layour editor. I am the person that oversees the layout section. Ms. Sacktein and I talk about how many pages each issue should be, based on the articles that are finished in each section, the amount of pictures we have, etc. Your job is to send me your completly finished drafts of your articles. This final draft should include the correct headline, your name completely spelled out, and the section you are writing for. There should be no comments from Ms.Sacktein because that means it is not your final draft and you still have to work on your piece. There should be no spelling errors, repeated sentences, etc. If your including a picture please put it in the article with a caption of who took the picture, if their in the school what grade their in, and what the picture is about in relation to the article. Also please send a seperate picture to my email in an attatched file because sometimes the pictures dont copy from google doc efficiently. When you send me your articles I send them to the person laying out that section, so if you dont get me your articles I cant give them to my section. I look foward to working with everyone this year and just hope that from now on my directions are follwed thoroughly :)

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