Monday, March 8, 2010

5th issue critique - post-mortum

Please read the 5th issue and comment on the strengths and weaknesses to this post.


sarah said...

After looking through the paper today I noticed that we have really come a long way. The layout team is trying new things which are interesting. All of the articles are nice lengths. We are learning how to write more. The paper looks nice. Of course we need more pictures and that responsibility falls on everyone's shoulders. I think the next issue will be better.

chris said...

I like the Marijuna article how New Jersey is letting people use it for medical conditions and its interesting. It gave me good information on what is going on now a days because i dont watch the news all the time. Their really werent that many pictures only two pictures were taken so we should get more next issue.

pria said...

i liked the layout and we had really interesting articles in this issue. no picture's! and i did'nt like the font in sports sections- its just hard to read, but everything else was nice.

Anonymous said...

The content and article topics we had were very nice and varied, and I think the layout was good. It could have been a little better layed out, concerning boxes and lines and how to separate two or three articles that were on the page. There were only a two or three pictures, the others were traced/drawn,which was good but pictures would have balanced it out more. Overall though, there were many good things to look at and read.

Anonymous said...


I just saw a copy of the Blazer today in Mr. Sosa's class and I really liked the layout. The sidebar information for everyone's article was put in a creative way. I really enjoyed the Star sidebar layout. The article's all have a nice and appropriate length and there weren't that many mistakes as our previous issues.

The only thing that bothered me as Anastasia pointed out before was the spacing in the layout. Words were widely spaced and the sentences were split apart. It was hard to figure out if certain words belonged with the sentence's before it. Not many of us could get pictures so for the issues to come, I feel we should be more on top of getting pictures because our Writing has improved.

Livianette said...

I think that the layout was really impressive and the writing is high quality but we need to work on making everything flow and i still think that the sports section needs more attention - maybe i'll write a sports article for the next issue! =)

ALiszka said...

I really liked the opening, Divya Desai's article. I think it gave off a good start to the article right away talking about whats going on and happening. Although it was only about seniors it led the article with an interesting and exciting start especially because it is the first time "WJPS goes to college." I also really liked the layout, its nice that were trying new things and playing around with it so that the articles all have a little different feel to them. I think the issue covered a lot and one of my favorite sections was the "Dear Editor" section because it allowed people to really voice their opinions about the paper and it made it feel like a real paper, although some comments were negative, its definitely really interesting

shanza said...

I like how we had a special section in this paper which showed a few articles students had written for their statistics class. There was definetly a lack of pictures in the paper but hopefully we will ensure that we get enough pictures for the next issue. The topics written about in this issue were varied and most articles were well written. I particularly liked the way Shazia started off her "self-injury in adolescents" article.

Melissa I. said...

I really think we grow with each issue. The paper is not all text now, its more eye appealing and I think the new visuals catch more attention and help draw readers to our paper. Although we've moved away from the lengthy blocks of text I think we need more real pictures and drawn ones from students. There were too many drawn objects in the entertainment section. We need more student involvement. Students who contacted me to take pictures need to start following through and actually taking pictures. The sports section was a little odd, the font should be changed and re-worked. Some small errors, spelling mistakes, a headline or two wasn't justified across the page, but the number of errors decrease each issue. Overall I have been really stressing that my section think outside the box, and to try new layout techniques and styles and I think it shows.

GREEK CLUB said...

I agree with Sarah, when she says that we have really come along this year with the newspaper. From the first issue I saw, it's really inspiring to see such a great improvement. Throughout the entire year each paper has been filled with more writing on such a variety of topics. Specifically with this issue, the font for the sports section probably wasn't the best choice. More pictures would definitely improve the newspaper as a whole. One of my main suggestions would be to try and not cut an article by placing a picture in the middle of it. Often when the pictures aren't a geometrical shape, it cuts the article awkwardly making it harder to read.


Brian Melendez said...

When I was looking through the paper I notice there are good stories that are written that are not out of the school but that related to the school with many student quotes. We still have work on grammer issues, like myself I know that is my weakness, giving the school community to finally write their thoughts to us in the paper, helps us gain mmore understanding in what to do. The paper has come a long way.