Monday, November 9, 2009

4th issue

As we are now, wrapping up the 3rd issue (all final drafts are to be submitted by tomorrow)

We are brainstorming for the 4th issue - I'd like us to start putting work online as well as in print, so depending on how quickly things get done, we will see how it can go up.

there is another open house tomorrow night and Ms. Neier would like for some students to stay and represent the newspaper.  If you are interested, please let me know so that I can forward your information to her.

We need a corrections box for the 3rd issue based on the 2nd issue... can someone please volunteer to comb through the issue to find errors that need public apologies?  Thanks (things like byline errors and misspelled names i.e. Mr. Mailman)

1 comment:

Melissa I. said...

I will stay and speak on behalf of the newspaper. Should I wear my blazer, what time is it, etc. Thanks.