Thursday, October 15, 2009


A note about teacherease and the score that it tabulates as your current class letter grade - it is based on a 4 pt scale and I will be putting in scores of 100 for your independent reading assignments... therefore that final grade is NOT an accurate one. 

I'd like parents/students to please use teacherease as it was meant to be used, as an accountability tool.  You will be able to know how you are doing, what is missing and how did on varied assignments as well as getting personalized feedback... Final "score" grades will be presented as an average of what is on there...

Weighted as followed: classwork -40%, writing and projects 40% and blog work 20%

Please comment that you have read and understand this post... thank you.


Melissa I. said...

I understand this, thanks for clearing everything up.

shanza said...

I have read this and I understand the grade system for this class now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ms. Sackstein, I understand the grading system now and everything with teacherease.